Publications on the Feldenkrais Method
We have a library at the Feldenkrais Institut Wien.You are welcome to browse and read.
Articles & Papers
Die Feldenkrais Methode im täglichen Leben. Gesund bleiben - etwas Neues lernen.
by Verena Krausneker (Ärztewoche Spezial Komplementärmedizin, Nr. 08, February 2022)
Changing the World by Changing Oneself. The Feldenkrais Method beyond Introspection.
by Verena Krausneker (English translation of the original German text that appeared in: FOKUS Nr. 13, 2020)
The Capacity to Recover Quickly from Difficulties
Interview with Donna Ray by Verena Krausneker, FOKUS 2019
Perspectives on Anxiety
by Donna Ray
An Interview on Recovery from Pain and Injury, The Feldenkrais Way
by Donna Ray, with Anne Frankl
The Feldenkrais Method and Dynamic System Principles
by Mark Reese
Moshé Feldenkrais's Work with Movement - A Parallel Approach to Milton Erickson's Hypnotherapy
by Mark Reese
Learning To Move With The Feldenkrais Method. An Introduction Of Moshe Feldenkrais' Ideas and Practice in Contemporary Dance Education
BA-Thesis by Petr Ochvat, 2010, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz
Die Feldenkrais-Methode für zeitgenössische Tänzer/innen – ein Weg zu mehr Leichtigkeit und Effizienz
BA-Thesis by Alexandra Mlineritsch, 2009, Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität
Seeing Clearly
A Feldenkrais Method Exploration of Vision - by David Webber
Playing Music - "The Feldenkrais® Way": An Interview with Aliza Stewart
by Lavinia Plonka (in English, Senseability Newsletter, Spring 2007)
Back pain: 'I was only in my early thirties – but I felt like an old lady'
Kate Burt (May 2010)
Feldenkrais Research List
International Feldenkrais Federation
Donna Ray über Rückenschmerzen und gutes Sitzen
by Kristin Pelzl-Scheruga (in:Lust Aufs Leben, 04/2020)
Warum das Gehirn der allerwichtigste Muskel ist.
by Dorothe Rainer (Kurier, Medico Magazin June 2019)
Stay in Good Health, Learn Something New.
(Metropole, Sept. 2019)
Achtsamkeit in der Medizin
Interview with Donna Ray (Ärztewoche Spezial Komplementärmedizin, Nr. 25, June 2019)
This interview was published in English as The Capacity to Recover Quickly from Difficulties.
Gehirn und Körper (Brain and Body)
Ö1, Austrian National Public Radio, Radiokolleg by Margarethe Engelhardt-Krajanek, June 2018
Trying the Feldenkrais Method for Chronic Pain
by Jane E. Brody, New York Times, Oct 30, 2017
Moshé Feldenkrais
Ö1, Austrian National Public Radio, Kontext, September 2015
Feldenkrais und Flamenco
by Julia Petschinka (anda!123, 2015)
Schicksal mal vier.
by Ute Rossbacher (Nu, Nr. 56, June 2014)
Sex, Schwerkraft und Lernen.
by Verena Krausneker (WINA, Das jüdische Stadtmagazin, May 2014)
Spielerisch lernen durch Bewegung
by Eva Pakisch, Raiffeisenzeitung 1/2014
Bewegliche Gehirne
Ärztewoche 3/2014
Bewegen lernen - aber richtig!
by Beate Scholz, Grätzelblatt, June 2013
Feldenkrais: Schule für Nerven und Muskeln
by Jutta Berger/DER STANDARD, Print, 16.08.2011
Wenn Du weißt, was Du tust, kannst Du tun, was Du willst
by Felicitas Freise, Lebensweise, September 2011
Anders sehen
by Verena Krausneker, Die Presse, November 2010
"Die Räume muss man kreieren"
Interview mit Spitzensport-Konditionstrainer Kurt Kothbauer (PDF 3,2 MB)
byVerena Krausneker Feldenkrais Fokus, Nr. 5, Winter 2010
"Sitzen lässt Muskeln schwach werden"
by Karin Pollak, DER STANDARD, Print, 18.01.2010
Unser Körper denkt mit
by Eva Obermüller,, March 2010
Wozu das Träumen wirklich gut ist
by Klaus Taschwer, DER STANDARD, Print, 23.04.2010
Sehverständnis. Interview mit David Webber
by Verena Krausneker (PROMed komplementär, Springer, May 2009)
Books by Moshé Feldenkrais (selected works)
- Body and Mature Behaviour: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation, and Learning. Frog, 2005 (originally 1949)
- Awareness Through Movement, HarperOne, 1991 (1972)
- Body Awareness as Healing Therapy, The Case of Nora. Frog, 1993 (1977)
- The Elusive Obvious. Meta Publications, 1989 (1981)
- The Master Moves. Meta Publications, 1984 (1984)
- The Potent Self – A Study of Spontaneity and Compulsion. Frog, 2002 (1985)
Books by other authors
Carl Ginsburg
- The intelligence of moving Bodies. Awareing Press, 2010
- The roots of Functional Integration. The Feldenkrais Jounal, FGNA
Yochanan Rywerant
- The Feldenkrais Method – Teaching by Handling. Basic Health Publications, 2003
Ruthy Alon
- Mindful Spontaneity: Relearning Natural Movement Through Feldenkrais Method. North Atlantic Books, 1996
Oliver Sacks
- An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales. Vintage, 1996
- A Leg to Stand on. Touchstone, 1998
- The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat. Picador, 2007
Vilaynur S. Ramachandran
- Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, Harper, 1999
- A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness: From Impostor Poodles to Purple Numbers. Pi Press, 2005